
Neural Dominion: Pre-Alpha Impressions – Here’s What You Need to Know!

Caiminds was honoured to be given a hands on look at the upcoming 4X strategy Neural Dominio from Camlann Games. For those who are unaware, 4X stands for the core bases of strategy games that allow the player to; eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate, and eXplore.

In this build we were able to get a small glimpse into what the game has to offer and despite being short, our immediate impression was, how beautifully crafted the over world has been designed.
Each piece of the map blends together seamlessly but each block was beautifully designed. The Cyberpunk theme Camlann Games has gone for, really makes this game pop and stand out from most 4X strategies.

Leader in the Making

You take control of Sybil, Leader of “The Genesis” gang trying to take over the city of Technograd.

As you move on the grid of the map, you have 5 AP (Action Points) per turn. In our build these points were mainly used for moving, but it does open the possibility these APs can be used for things other than traveling around the map.

It wouldn’t be a Cyberpunk themed game if there wasn’t any upgrades for your Leader and crew. As you progress you will be able to earn Research points and upgrade your skill set and crew’s abilities to assist you throughout the game.

Owning the City

As you move around the map, there are areas you are able to Construct your own buildings, which include Office tower, Mod Shop, Back Alley Front and Nightclub. Mod Shops, allow you to buy, weapons, armour and other items, nightclub is a source of income and the others we were yet to see in this build.

Every time you construct a new building, you can recruit a new thug to join you in your battles to take out leaders.

You build your own empire but you have the threat of other leaders stepping in on your terf. So bring the fight to them before they hit you.

Combat is a treat for the eyes

The main objective with combat involving a Gang Leader is simply to kill that leader and you win. You can attack the other opponents but as soon as the leader is dealt with, its over. That’s easier said than done however, as their goons will also attack and provide their Leader with assists to buff and heal. So will you be the type of player who goes hard on the Leader, or play it safe and take out the goons first?

There are multiple types of classes, such as the heavy, assault, healer etc. Sybil, your main, is a Long Ranged fighter so she doesn’t need to get too close to the enemy and will happily take out her foes from a distance. Your current crew consists of a healer and a standard fighter. So from the start you have 3 different options to work with.

As the battle plays out, when it reached Sybil’s turn, the camera shifted behind her shoulder and provided a very cinematic look on the battle field.
Combat in our preview was short and sweet, but it certainly provides the developers a lot of possibilities with how they can expand it further. We are told in the press release for the game, it will feature a turn-based or “Active Time” JRPG-inspired combat, depending on player preference. I personally am excited to get the option to play in JRPG mode when the final build is released.

Shaping up very nicely

In a statement provided to Caiminds, Camlann Games CEO Slava Heretz says he’s; “Very excited for this game. One of my favourite genres to play is 4X strategy, personally. And one of my favourite game settings is well-crafted cyberpunk universes. This scratches both those itches. There’s a lot here that players familiar with the strategy genre will appreciate. And there are some really interesting and unique elements that I’ve honestly never seen in the genre. Incredibly honoured to be a part of bringing this game to life”

This alpha is the foundation of what could become the next great 4X strategy obsession. We’re eagerly watching as this project evolves into a game we won’t be able to put down!

Neural Dominion will be releasing to early access late 2024 or early 2025 to PC on Steam and GOG. Wishlist today.

Check out the Pre-Alpha Gameplay Trailer here:

Written by Jamie C

Online Content Creator. Indie Game Dev. Games Journalist. Retro Game Collector. And what ever my ADHD brain decides to hyperfocus on.

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