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    Nostalgic Tears: 7 Beloved Games That Didn’t Age Well

    In the ever-evolving world of video games, technological advancements and evolving design trends often render older titles obsolete. However, there are certain games that defy the test of time, captivating players with their unique charm and nostalgic appeal. Here we are going to give you 7 beloved games that didn’t age well from a technical […] More

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    Opinion: Why is it extremely depressing being a gamer today?

    Can you remember when you were younger? Looking at those 8 bit or low poly graphics of the “Latest” and “Most Advanced” video games of your generation? Do you also remember thinking; “It can’t get any better than this?” Could you honestly say; “Games were better back when I was a kid”? Of course not! […] More

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    Active Shooter Spokesperson Addresses Public Outcry

    Has the World’s Media Overreacted to “Active Shooter”? To say, “Active Shooter” has caused a bit of a controversy, would be an understatement and not just within the Video Game community. Throughout the world’s media, this game has been accused of being in poor taste and profiting off the shock value, of the very real […] More

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    God of War Director teases undiscovered Easter Egg

    God of War game director Cory Barlog, teases fans in Director Commentary Video. WARNING! SPOILERS AHEAD FOR THE FIRST HOUR OF GOD OF WAR (2018) The hype surrounding the critically acclaimed Santa Monica Studio developed PS4 exclusive, God of War, just doesn’t seem to end. In the latest instalment of the God Of War (2018) […] More

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    Sonic Forces PS4, XBO, Switch, PC – Review

    Sonic trips Up… again. Game reviewed on PS4 (Review Code not provided) Also available on Xbox One, Switch, PC The very idea of Sonic Forces has always had me intrigued to say the least. From it’s first announcement that Classic Sonic has somehow made a another return after Sonic Generations. Or the story of Dr [...]
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    De Blob is splatting it’s way to PS4 and Xbox One

    THQ Nordic have today announced in collaboration with Blitworks, de Blob will be coming to PS4 and Xbox One November 14th 2017. De Blob is a platform-puzzle game originally released in 2008 on the Wii and iOS. In the game you control blobs of paint on a mission to rescue Chroma City from the Evil […] More

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    Bush Hockey League PC, PS4, Xbox One, Switch – Review

    Classic arcade Ice Hockey games were buggy, clunky yet fun… Shame Bush Hockey League (Old Time Hockey) forgot the fun. REVIEWED ON PC ALSO AVAILABLE ON PS4, XBOX ONE, SWITCH Editors note: The game has been renamed to Bush Hockey League since this review was published. For the sake of clarification, the rest of the [...]
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    Is Nintendo Planning a Zelda Maker?

    With The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild literally hours away from being in the hands of millions of gamers around the world, hype levels are already through the roof. But is a new Zelda game already been teased? During a talk at the Game Developers Conference, Nintendo gave everyone a behind-the-scenes look at the […] More

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    Dreii PS4, PSV, Wii U, PC, Mobile – Review

    There are not many games out there that can bring a smile to my face from the instant I start playing, but Dreii is one of those rare occasions. On the surface, Dreii doesn’t have much to offer. It’s a simple concept, with simple gameplay and a simple structure. You have puzzles, so you must […] More

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