UPDATE – August 20th 2015
The site is now offline.
Blip.tv was founded May 5th, 2005 and went on to be one of the first major competitors to YouTube, but it seems it is officially over.
It is said that Doug Walker and the rest of Channel Awesome (formally known as thatguywiththeglasses.com) was what single handily made blip.tv the successful video platform it once was mainly due to their less strict policies on copyright.
Many YouTube starts moved over to blip some as a backup some as exclusives because they YouTube wasn’t the platform many stars wanted it to be.

Shows like Nostalgia Critic, Annoying Orange, Ray William Johnson, Rooster Teeth and many more saw blip to be the answer to the prayers that YouTube refused to answer.
Over time, the platform began to slow down, revenue lowered and the stars moved back to YouTube.
Following Maker Studios’ acquisition of the video platform in August 2013, blip began phasing out and deleting channels that were no longer updating or felt breached their new policies.
Their social media pages haven’t been updated since February 2014.
This left many fans angry and over time more and more accounts were getting deleted until today (July 20th 2015) as blip.tv sent out e-mails to their remaining users confirming the end of blip.
This is a sad day to everyone who was fans of the service and blip recommends you download all your videos as backups before it shuts down for good.
Below is the e-mail I received in my inbox.