Yukiko is a character created and is an asset owned under the Caiminds Brand and it’s owners, for Entertainment Purposes only along with her friends.
All appearances of Yukiko and Friends, in (but not limited to) Videos, Streams, Social Media, In-Person Events, should not be considered a real reflection of the creator, owner and actors’ opinions and beliefs.
Any topics/material that may be considered controversial, inclusive or exclusive, is simply only for the purposes of telling the story of Yukiko, her friends and her journey.
Caiminds is ran by a small team of talented and passionate content creators and we don’t intend to offend or upset anyone with the story we are hoping to tell.
Yukiko and Friends may appear in content made by other creators, but, the story of Yukiko ends at Yukiko and Friends and the beliefs of those we may collaborate with are not our own.
Last Updated – March 2023